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2019-20 Winter Rifle Postal Competitions - Individual Entry

2019-20 Winter Rifle Postal Competitions
Individual Entry

Winter Rifle Postal Competition 2019-20
Individual Entry

A series of competitions for individual shooters will be run between October 2019 and March 2020.  These are open to both members and non members of Scottish Target Shooting apart from the STS Medal Competition which is restricted to STS members only.

The events in the Winter Postal Competition are ;

The STS Medal - Closing Date for Entries 31 December 19
Scottish Target Shooting Members Only
This is a Free Event for Scottish Target Shooting Members competing for the STS Silver Medal and is shot over 2 stages in 4 classes plus Junior and Veteran classes.

Each stage consists of a set of 3 targets to be shot in one hour. Medal targets (1st Stage) to be shot by February 2020 and the Final (2nd Stage) by end March 2020. The top 10 and equal in the 1st Stage, contest the final over the same course of fire.

The first stage of the STS Medal competition must be completed by Tuesday 4 February 2020 and reach the scorer by Monday 10 February 2020.

Scorer : 

Cyril De Jonckheere

1 Cherry Lane, Dumfries, DG1 4SE

Contact No : 01387 268795


CanDicap - Closing Date for Entries 31 December 19
This competition is restricted to C and D class shooters and is shot over 2 stages. Competitors must nominate a handicap of at least 5 points per card. If you do not wish to take up the handicap, please contact the scorer to arrange to have it changed prior to shooting.

The course of fire is a set of 3 cards in one hour with the handicap being applied to each. CanDicap targets (1st stage) to be shot by February 2020 and the Final (2nd stage) by end March 2020. The top 20 and equal in the 1st Stage, contest the Final over the same course of fire. 

The first stage of the CanDicap competition must be completed by Tuesday 4 February 2020 and reach the scorer by Monday 10 February 2020. 

Scorer : 

Cyril De Jonckheere

1 Cherry Lane, Dumfries, DG1 4SE

Contact No : 01387 268795


Speedway - Closing Date for Entries 31 December 19
The event is shot over 2 stages with the qualifying round consisting of 5 cards which are not sets and need not be shot together. The top 16 (regardless of class) go through to a Shoulder-to-Shoulder Open Speedway Final. The Final is a round-robin event with finalists gathering points from matches against all the other finalists. 

Speedway targets (1st stage) to be shot by February 2020 and the Final (2nd Stage) by end March 2020. The winner is the finalist with the highest number of points at the end of the Final. If there are enough C and D class entries a separate final will also be held. 

The first stage of the Speedway competition must be completed by Tuesday 4 February 2020 and reach the scorer by Monday 10 February 2020.

Scorer : 

Cyril De Jonckheere

1 Cherry Lane, Dumfries, DG1 4SE

Contact No : 01387 268795


Short Range 3P Championship - Closing Date for Entries 31 December 19
(Indoor Short Range)
This competition is unclassified and the course of fire is at competitor’s discretion.  You have the option of competing as either a single 3 x 40 stage or as two 3 x 20 half courses. 

If shot as 3x40 the final date for shooting is end March but if shot as two half courses the first stage is to be shot by February 2019 and the second by end March 2019. If shot as a 2 stage match, the scores of the two half courses will be added together to determine the winner. 

If shooting 2 half courses, the first half course must be completed by Tuesday 4 February 2020 and reach the scorer by Monday 10 February 2020. The second half course must be shot by Wednesday 4 March 2020 and reach the scorer by Tuesday 10 March 2020. 

Scorer : 

Cyril De Jonckheere

1 Cherry Lane, Dumfries, DG1 4SE

Contact No : 01387 268795


Individual Prone League - Closing Date for Entries 31 October 19
The Prone League course of fire consists of 2 cards of 20 shots during each of 8 match periods between December 2019 to March 2020.

Scorer : 

Bill Moonie

Contact No : 01786 814277


3P League - Closing Date for Entries 31 October 19
The 3P League consists of a half course of 3x20 with 20 shots in each of the prone, standing and kneeling disciplines. There is one round each month in December 2019 and January, February, March 2020.

Scorer : 

Bill Moonie

Contact No : 01786 814277


Smallbore Air Rifle League - Closing Date for Entries 31 October 19
This is a 60 shot competition with 5 rounds running between December 2019 to March 2020. There are two rounds in December 2019 and one round each month in January, February, March 2020. 

Those competing in an Air Rifle Grand Prix may choose to shoot a round of the league concurrently with the Grand Prix.

Please notify both the League and Grand Prix Organisers in advance of the event if you would like to do this. 

Scorer : 

Bill Vaughan

4 Mossilee Crescent, Galashiels, TD1 1LT

Contact No : 01896 754 520


Individual Leagues
If you have entered an event as an individual, you can also take part in an Individual League as part of your entry. 

Leagues will be allocated based on entries and averages submitted. The points in each league are allocated with the top score being awarded n-1 points, second n-2 points etc. (where n is the number of shooters in the league). The individual with the greatest number of points at the end will be deemed to be the winner.

You can also enter the Air Rifle Grand Prix
A series of 5 Grand Prix events will be held once a month from October 2019 to February 2020, consisting of a 60 shot competition over 4 classes with (depending on entry numbers) a 40 shot Women’s and 60 shot Junior competitions held concurrently. 

Find out more about the Grand Prix and how to enter on the STS website at

How to Enter
Enter Online by using the Online Entry Links on this page.
Or download an Entry Form via the Links on this page then complete and send with payment due to

Winter Postal Competitions
Scottish Target Shooting
Caledonia House
1 Redheughs Rigg
Edinburgh EH12 9DQ

Entry Prices 


STS Adult Member

STS Junior Member

STS Adult
 Non Member


STS Junior
 Non Member


STS Medal















Short Range 3P Championship





Prone League





3P League





Smallbore Air Rifle League






STS Membership is not restricted to shooters living in Scotland. The STS member discount for events and competitions is available for all members.  Essential membership is only £10 (Adults) and £5 (Juniors & Full Time Students).
You can find out more about joining STS here :

Closing Dates
The closing date for STS Medal, CanDicap, Speedway and Short Range 3P is Tuesday 31 December 2019.
The closing date for the Prone League, 3P League and Smallbore Air Rifle League is Thursday 31 October 2019.


  • All prone cartridge events are shot on NSRA BM series targets over 15, 20 or 25 yards or NSRA approved electronic systems.
  • Air rifle events are shot at 10m on either NSRA 5 bull targets, 5 shot strip targets, ISSF single shot targets or NSRA approved electronic systems.
  • Standing and kneeling disciplines are shot on NSRA BM series 2 bull and 5 bull targets respectively or NSRA approved electronic systems.

Please Note : Trophies are only awarded to STS Members and Club Members of STS Member Clubs. 

  • STS Medal : Salvers are awarded to the class winners and the Silver Medal to the top score in any class.
  • CanDicap : The CandiCap Quaich is awarded to the overall winner.
  • Speedway : The Bill Dick Memorial Trophy will be awarded to the top score in all classes and the Boston Bowl will be awarded to the competitor with the Highest score in C and D classes.
  • Short Range 3P Championship : A gold medal will be awarded to the overall winner.
  • Prone League : A gold medal will be awarded to the top score in each division.
  • 3P League : A gold medal will be awarded to the top score in each division.
  • Smallbore Air Rifle League : A gold medal will be awarded to the top score in each division.


  • For the Medal, Speedway and Prone League your average should be calculated from the best 10 of the last 12 indoor match cards shot.
  • For the 3P League and Smallbore Air Rifle League your average should be calculated from the best 5 of the last 6 matches.
  • For the CanDicap you should have a minimum handicap of 5.

Stickers are issued for the first stage of the Medal, Speedway, CanDicap and Short Range 3P Championship. A Club Official must affix these to the front of the correct NSRA target for the discipline and distance. The targets must be shot and witnessed according to NSRA rules. 

In line with the NSRA county leagues the cards for all rounds may be shot immediately the stickers are received, but the closing date for each round must be adhered to.



Earlier Event: 22 September