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2025 Pentagonal and Finlux Inter Region Team Matches

  • West Atholl Rifle Club Glen Tilt, Blair Atholl Perth and Kinross, PH18 5TY (map)

Pentagonal & Finlux Inter Region
Team Matches 2025

Sunday 22 June 25

Blair Atholl

The Pentagonal (Target Rifle) and Finlux (FTR and F-Open) Inter Region team matches will take place at the Blair Atholl Range on Sunday 22nd June 2025.

The plan is to start shooting at 10.00am so please arrive at the range by 9.30am. Help in setting up the targets and firing point will be appreciated.

Closing Date 15th June 2025.

 Teams eligible are

  • East of Scotland

  • West of Scotland

  • North of Scotland

  • Fife & Kinross

  • Aberdeenshire

  • Tayside.

Coaching is allowed and the matches will take place at 500 yards in the morning and 900 yards in the afternoon, shooting 2 convertible sighters and 15 to count at each distance.

Team sizes will depend on the number of shooters from each region and everyone who comes to the range will get to shoot:

The Pentagonal Match is for Target Rifles using .308Win or .223Rem calibres and the Finlux Match has separate competitions for F-Open and FTR.

TR - Any type of ammunition including handloads is permitted. Bullet weights must be within the following limits: .308in / 7.62mm - not exceeding 156 grains; .223in / 5.56mm – 90.1 grains.

The external dimensions of the case, as loaded and after firing, must not exceed the maximum dimensions shown on the current UK Government 7.62 x 51mm NATO or SAAMI .308 Win chamber drawings. TR will shoot on standard NRA long range targets.

F Class - The F Class Open and F/TR classes as defined in the NRA Bisley rules may be used with no limit on the bullet weight. F Open and F/TR will shoot on F-Class targets.


  • Pentagonal – 7 shooters best 5 scores to count or 6 shooters best 4 scores to count

  • Finlux F-Open – 4 shooters best 3 scores to count or 3 shooters best 2 scores to count

  • Finlux FTR – 4 shooters best 3 scores to count or 3 shooters best 2 scores to count

TR  will shoot on NRA TR targets and F-Open and FTR will shoot on NRA F Class targets.

.308 155grn ammunition will be available to purchase on the range at a cost of £45 per shooter for 34 rounds. 
(Please note : You need to produce your Fire Arms Certificate to receive any purchased ammunition.)

Advance notice of ammo to be purchased is needed.

Entry Prices
Team Entry is £22 per shooter (to cover the cost of range fees) and to be paid on the day at the range.

How to Enter
Please email the organiser, Claire Halleran, with your team size so that the number of shooters are known before the event.

Contact Claire by email on