STS Smallbore Coaching Course Tutor & Assessor
Events/Disciplines: 25m Prone Rifle & 10m Air Rifle
Role Type: Tutor & Assessor
Rate: Fixed Rate Delivery Fee plus Travel & Expenses
Number of Days: Demand depending
Initial Term: 1st November 2023 - 31st December 2025
Scottish Target Shooting (STS) is wanting to support coaches and coaching within grassroots clubs given the pivotal role coaches play at introducing people to this fantastic sport, inspiring them to stay in it and supporting them to improve. As part of this process of bettering Scottish coaching and support for Scottish coaches, STS is developing a new coaching framework for shooting. The first qualification we are looking to deliver is a Smallbore Coaching Foundation Course, a course that is targeting people wanting to get into coaching at club level to coach in their clubs and local communities. The course focuses on developing the individual’s skills for coaching, while also encapsulating basic prone and 10m air rifle shooting techniques. We are looking to recruit a small cross-section of individuals to train as tutors and assessors to support us in delivering and evolving this qualification.
Who Are Scottish Target Shooting?
STS is a unified governing body created in 2016 to help develop the sport of target shooting in Scotland. In 2019 STS launched it’s strategic plan for 2019-27. This plan was then refreshed in 2023, halfway through to ensure it was still relevant. On both occasions the membership identified the need to improve the standard of coaching and numbers involved in coaching to help attract, retain and develop individuals in the sport. STS is looking to work with the Scottish Coaching Framework to develop a series of coaching courses to be mirrored across core disciplines to strengthen the number, diversity and standard of coaching in grassroots shooting. These courses, while delivering some technical understanding, focus on developing the individual as a coach and the elements they need to consider in taking on this role. As tutors and assessors, we are looking to recruit a small, diverse team within each discipline to help deliver these courses, assess participants and support the evolution of the content so it remains relevant and of value to the Scottish shooting community. It is the aim of STS to better harness and support a coaching community within Scotland, positioning these courses as key pillars around which further support can be delivered.
What Will Be My Tasks and Responsibilities?
Coaching Course Tutors & Assessors will support the coaching activity of STS by:
Supporting delivery of the Pilot Smallbore Foundation Coaching Course
Working with Brightspace to support the online elements of the course
Delivering the in-person elements of the Smallbore Foundation Coaching Course using the resources provided
Assessing course participants against set standards
Supporting the continual development of the course by providing personal and attendee feedback to ensure the content remains accurate, appropriate and engaging
Attending regular STS Tutor & Assessor workforce meetings to provide feedback and receive updates
Any other tasks required for the fulfilment of the role
What Are The Terms Of The Role?
The following terms are broadly understood:
The individual will commit to delivering and assessing up to 5 courses per year, demand depending
The individual will commit to supporting the development of course through attending regular tutor workforce meetings to review changes that need to be made to the content and delivery of the course
The individual will be required to work evenings and weekends for delivering courses
The individual will be responsible for providing their own equipment, unless agreed with STS
STS will support the individual in developing their skills to deliver the course and assess participants
STS will provide administrative support with co-ordinating courses and booking travel, accommodation and venues when required
All reasonable out-of-pocket expense incurred on delivering courses agreed in advance will be reimbursed
A fixed rate fee will also be paid on the successful delivery of each course
Tutors & Assessors will be responsible to the STS COO, any STS staff member responsible for coaching and the STS Coaching & Officials Director
What Knowledge, Skills & Qualities Are Required?
Applicants are not expected to fulfil all the criteria but should be able to demonstrate the majority of the following:
Knowledge & Experience:
Experience of coaching shooting
Coaching experience in the discipline
Clerical and administrative skills
Ability to communicate effectively
Ability to collect and provide constructive feedback
Basic IT skills to support the online elements and requirements of Brightspace
Personal Qualities:
Work on own without detailed instruction
Self-motivated demonstrating drive and enthusiasm
Flexible, proactive and able to work under pressure
Apply discretion in sensitive issues, and maintain confidentiality at all times
What Is The Application Process?
STS is an equal opportunities employer and we welcome applications from all members of the community. We would therefore encourage any coach interested in working with our Scottish athletes to apply for this exciting opportunity.
Applications must be submitted using our Online Application Form By 12pm on 29 October 2023
Stage 1: All applications must be submitted by 12pm on 29 October 2023 using the online STS application form and include:
Your Contact Details
Coaching Experience
Any Tutor and/or Assessor Related Experience
Your Aspirations for Coaching in Scotland
Stage 2: All applications will be considered and receive a response within 2 weeks of the closing date with an update on their application. Applicants will be shortlisted by an internal STS selection committee. Shortlisted applicants will be invited to an online interview, conducted with members of the committee. An appointment will be made if the committee agree that there is a suitable candidate for the post and the candidate accepts the terms offered.
I Have Questions About The Role, Who Can I Contact?
If you have any questions about the role, where STS is going with its qualifications or anything else that will help inform your decision to apply, please speak to the STS Chief Operating Officer. Please call the STS Office on 0131 467 2489, email on or schedule a call by following:
Scottish Target Shooting is an equal opportunities employer, we welcome applications from all members of the community.