10m Air Rifle 2017 Grand Prix Series: GP4

Saturday saw the Grand Prix series move to the Cumberland News Range in Carlisle.  It was a quiet shoot with 11 entries but Ruth Mwandumba shot 613.7 to win A class with Vikki Walls coming in second. B class was won by Ruaraidh Macleod followed by Steven Abbott 2.2 points behind.  Andrew Gutenmacher won C class and Georgia Gooch was second.  The honours in D class went to Jamie Downes.

For the final we had Craig Dickson as our guest commentator.  The final was a tight affair between Vikki Walls and Ruth Mwandumba with them swapping places on a regular basis all the way through.  In the end Vikki won by 0.5.  Steven Abbott came in third.

If you look at the results table, you will see that Vikki Walls is in first place on 42 points with Robin Law in second on 28.  As there are a maximum of 12 points available for a GP win, Vikki is now in an unassailable lead as we head to Elgin for the last GP of the 2017/18 Winter Series.

Report by Gavin Walker