Speedway Finals
3 March 2024
The finals of this year’s Speedway Competition took place at Balerno & Currie’s Ranges on Sunday 3rd March.
Of sixteen qualifiers from the A&B class postal stage, four were unable to attend on the day and the twelve attendees each took part in five matches – nominally against three rivals in each match.
At the end of a tough afternoon’s shooting the Scottish Indoor Match Champion for 2024 was Lenny Thomson from Huntly Club, just three points clear of Donald McIntosh.
Lenny was presented with the Bill Dick Memorial Trophy.
Tom McGregor presenting the Bill Dick Trophy to Lenny Thomson, winner of the 2023-24 Speedway competition
Additionally, the “Boston Bowl” was presented to the leading C&D class competitor. This went to Sophie Campbell from the Halkirk Club.
In a close result, Sophie won the trophy on count back from second placed Daniel Gutteridge. There were not sufficient C&D card sets returned, so this result was derived from the postal stage.
Tom Mc Gregor presenting the Boston Bowl trophy to Sophie Campbell for being the leading C & D class competitor
Congratulations to Lenny, and to the top eight finalists who now proceed to take part in the postal match against North Island New Zealand at the same range on the 24th of March.
2023-24 Speedway A & B Finalists Scores
Many thanks to Balerno & Currie Rifle Club for the use of their fine range facilities, to Sinclair Bruce – in control of the electronic “Meyton” targets - to Range Officer Tom McGregor who kept proceedings running smoothly, and to Janis Thomson – in command of the catering.
The 2023-24 Speedway competition finalists and officials
Robin Thomson
Speedway Organiser