Scottish Air Pistol & Rifle Championships 2025
15 & 16 March 2025 | Napier University Centre for Sport and Recreation | Entries Close - Sunday 1 March 2025
15 & 16 March 2025 | Napier University Centre for Sport and Recreation | Entries Close - Sunday 1 March 2025
9 & 10 March 2024 | Napier University Centre for Sport and Recreation | Entries Close - Sunday 3 March 2023
Enter Now! | 2023-24 10m Air Pistol and Air Rifle | GP3
Enter Now! | 2023-24 10m Air Pistol and Air Rifle | GP2
Enter Now! | 2023-24 10m Air Pistol and Air Rifle | GP1
18 & 19 March 2023 | Napier University Centre for Sport and Recreation | Entries Close - Sunday 5 March 2023
Enter Now! | 10m Air Pistol and Air Rifle | GP5
Entries Open | 10m Air Pistol and Air Rifle | GP3
Entries Open | 10m Air Pistol and Air Rifle | GP2
Enter Now! | 10m Air Pistol and Air Rifle | GP1
Jun - Sep 22 | 50m Rifle Postal Events
2022 Dates : Pistol Colmsliehill Events
2022 Dates : Smallbore 50m Events
12 & 13 March 2022 | Napier UniversityCentre for Sport and Recreation | Entries Close - Sunday 6 March 2022
Enter Now! | 10m Air Pistol and Air Rifle | GP4 and GP5
Enter Now! | 10m Air Pistol and Air Rifle | GP3
To support and inform members across the country, STS is looking to deliver interactive webinars on areas of interest and/or areas STS believes members will find valuable. This session aims to give participants a wider understanding of Mental Health, signs, and how to support someone who may be experiencing poor mental health. This session will look at the difference between mental health and mental illness, and dismiss some myths surrounding this topic.
To support and inform members across the country, STS is looking to deliver interactive webinars on areas of interest and/or areas STS believes members will find valuable. This session is designed so Police Scotland can outline what to expect when going through the application or renewal process. Police Scotland will also be able to provide an update on how moving some of the process online is progressing, explaining what changes will be happening and the proposed timescales for the introduction of these.
Enter Now! | 10m Air Pistol and Air Rifle | GP1 and GP2
29 August 2021 | 50m Prone Grampian Open Shoot | Denwood Outdoor Range
28 August 2021 | 50m 3P Open Shoot | Denwood Outdoor Range
Saturday 2 October 21 to Sunday 13 March 2022
11 Jul 2021 | 50m Prone Restart Event | Denwood Outdoor Range
10 Jul 2021 | 50m 3P Restart Event | Denwood Outdoor Range
CANCELLED | Smallbore 50m Grand Prix | May and June 2021
CANCELLED | Pistol Colmsliehill Grand Prix | May and June 2021
CANCELLED | 10m Air Pistol and Air Rifle Championships 2021 | 6-7 March 2021
To help members during this time of lock down, STS is putting on a programme of online webinars on areas of interest expressed by members through our education survey. To keep sessions accessible they are completely free, are normally only an hour long and run in the early evening so members still working can access them. Mental health is something we all need to take care of because just like our physical health there are times when this is better and times when it is not in the shape we would like it to be. As part of the STS family, it is important we look out for each other. This course will provide a very basic level of helping to understand mental health, what signs to look out for, and what action you can take, whether it is for yourself, friends and family, or a club member.
As with our physical first aid course, this workshop is being delivered by Bruce Jenner, a trained paramedic but with over 20 years of military and target shooting experience and we are working with Bruce to develop a full course for shooters to be delivered in person, when circumstances allow. However, for now, this session is aimed at informing you about some of the basics and provide an opportunity to answer any questions you may have.
To help members during this time of lock down, STS is putting on a programme of online webinars on areas of interest expressed by members through our education survey. To keep sessions accessible they are completely free, are normally only an hour long and run in the early evening so members still working can access them. Although shooting is an extremely safe sport, it is possible for accidents to happen, and when the do happen, they can have serious consequences. This, combined with the recent increase in First Aid awareness due to COVID-19, means there is an even greater need to make sure clubs feel they equipped to deal with these matters when they occur. This workshop is an introduction to first aid for shooting clubs, delivered by Bruce Jenner, a trained paramedic but with over 20 years of military and target shooting experience. STS is working with Bruce to develop a first aid course for clubs to be delivered in person, when circumstances allow, but for now this session is aimed at informing clubs about some of the basics and provide an opportunity to answer any questions you may have.
To help members during this time of lock down, STS is putting on a programme of online webinars on areas of interest expressed by members through our education survey. To keep sessions accessible they are completely free, are normally only an hour long and run in the early evening so members still working can access them. While target shooting requires a lot of mental strength, shooters should not ignore the need to condition their body for the stresses and strains that can be put on it when shooting, especially over pro-longed training sessions. This workshop, delivered by one of Scotland’s top strength and conditioning experts with experience across a range of sports, including shooting, will provides hints and tips of exercises and routines to help you both in and out of lockdown so your body is well conditioned to the rigours, stresses and strains of shooting.