STS Pistol Shooters Enjoy Success at the British Pistol Club Championships

Katie, Caroline & Alan (left to right) enjoy success on Day 1

STS had a noticeable presence at the recent GB nominated British Pistol Club Championships held on 14 and 15 January attended by Caroline Brownlie (Senior Women 10m Air Pistol), Katie Knowles (Junior Women 10m Air Pistol), Alan Goodall (Senior Men 10m Air Pistol & 50m Free Pistol) and David Owen (Senior Men 50m Free Pistol).

Competitions were held on both days for 10m Air Pistol and 50m Free Pistol. Air Pistol had finals on both days too. On Day 1 Caroline and Katie came 2nd and 3rd respectively in their Air Pistol Finals, and Alan was 3rd in the 50m Free Pistol.

Continued success for Caroline & Alan on Day 2 of the BPC Champs

Day 2 was also very successful with Alan and Caroline both coming 2nd in their 10m Air Pistol Finals. Caroline qualified for the Final with a 381/400 which is higher than Scotland and Great Britain minimum consideration scores.

Additional prizes were awarded for the aggregate scores from Day 1 and Day 2. Caroline got 1st for Air Pistol, Katie 2nd in Air Pistol and Alan 2nd in 50m Free Pistol.

A great start to the year for the STS pistol shooters.

Report by Caroline Brownlie