All Ranges Open Meeting & Inter-Region Matches

Scottish Target Shooting's Smallbore Rifle’s All Ranges competition was contested at Denwood, Aberdeen on Sunday 9th April.  While this is a competitive event, it is intended to encourage the indoor shooter to try their hand at longer ranges outdoors.

The course of fire consists of 40 shots at 25 yards, 40 shots at 50 metres and 40 shots at 100 yards.  The individual shoots in classes A to E against others of similar ability.  Shot concurrently with the individual matches are Womens and Age Groups, Handicap Pairs, Team of 3 and the Inter Region matches.

Sunday started dry, bright, little wind and even warm, however it did cool a little during the afternoon and the wind and rain stayed away until all the competitions were complete.

There was keen competition in each of the Individual Classes in the other competitions.

In A Class there was a close match between Jim Cole-Hamilton and Ruaraidh McLeod, a case of the experienced shooter being challenged by a much younger and developing shooter. At the end the experienced shooter won the day.

There was a similar close match in B Class between Robin Thomson and Robin Shand of Watsonians and Brogan Smith from Huntly, with the experienced Thomson fending off the youngsters. Also in B Class a close match between Walls and Diggle with only the odd point between them.

C and D classes also showed some close matches.

There were only two regions represented in the Inter Region matches, both won comfortably by Grampian.

Results are available on the tabs below.