The Gallery Rifle Squad at the Derby Open 2017

Eight members of the Gallery Rifle Squad attended this popular and well organised event ably hosted by the Derby Rifle & Pistol Club.  This year saw a record of 105 competitors with 850 event entries.

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It is with great pleasure that we have to report that the Scottish team won the Home Countries Rifle Match with the Pistol Match being taken by England.


Norman Veitch acted as captain in the absence of Robert J Tonner who was unable to attend.


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Norman took the Silver in the 1500 CF match with a personal best of 1495 118 X . This a new Scottish record in this event.

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Other notable successes were :


Norman VeitchT&P 1GRSB-   Gold

Norman Veitch T&P 1 GRCF   -   Silver

Norman Veitch T&P 1 GRCF Open -  Silver

Bill Pow T&P 1 LBPOpen-    Bronze

Leslie Kong T&P 1 LBR Open - Bronze

Norman Veitch T&P 2GRCF Open-  Bronze

Glenn Gordon T&P 2LBP   -   Gold

Glenn Gordon T&P3 LBP-  Silver

Jonny CormieMT LBP Open-  Gold

Jonny Cormie1500 GRSB   -  Bronze

Stuart Russel 1500 GRSB (d )  -  Bronze

Jonny Cormie1500 GRCF  (a)  -  Gold

Glenn Gordon 1500 GRCF (a)  -  Silver

Bill Pow 1500 GRCF (b)  -  Bronze

Peter Cousar1500 (d)  - Gold

Norman Veitch 1500 GRCF Open- Bronze


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For a full report please check