Scottish Target Shooting - Rifle Grand Prix 4 Results

Saturday was a combined event with 5 people shooting 3P and 5 people shooting 50m pistol.  Due to technical issues with the pistol targets we ended up starting a bit later than planned.  The Prone GP on Sunday ran to time.  For both days we had tricky wind conditions and when the rain came in on Sunday afternoon the light conditions varied quite considerably.

In the 3P, Tony Lincoln put in the highest score during qualification with 1136, but in the Final Ruaraidh Macleod took first place, followed by Sheena Sharp and then Tony.  The 2018 series table indicates that both Ruaraidh and Sheena have unassailable leads.


The detailed 3P data can be found here as well as in the PDF  


The prone saw 28 people turn out on Sunday.  The results for the open were as follows:

Class 'A' - Tony Lincoln, Gary Duff, Ruaraidh Macleod Class 'B' - David Strachan, Brogan Smith, Mary Melvin Class 'C' - Robin Shand (with a personal best), Isabel Stark, Robin Thomson Class 'D' - Bertie Galloway, James Galloway, Mike Smith


Thanks to RWS for the sponsorship of ammunition for 1st and 2nd in class.


The C and D final saw Robin Thomson take first place followed by Isabel Stark and then Robin Shand.


The A and B final was a very close affair.  Gary Duff held on to take 1st place, with David Strachan, in his second ever final, in 2nd place, and Jim Godsell took 3rd place.


The detailed results can be found here

Looking at the 2018 prone series points table in the pdf file, in A and B class Gary Duff tops the table with 24 points but Lenny Thomson (19pts), Neil Stirton (16pts), Ruaraidh Macleod (14pts) and Jim Godsell

(14pts) all stand a chance of taking the 2018 series. In C and D class, it looks like GP5 will be important for Robin Thomson (33pts), Robin Shand (24pts) and Ian Henderson (23pts).