STS Membership for 2020 Now Available!

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STS is pleased to confirm that individual members and member clubs are able to sign up for membership for 2020 as of 2nd December.

STS Membership for 2020 comes with the same packages and benefits that proved popular in 2019 with the Essential, Dual, Enhanced and Complete memberships but has now introduced a reduced membership for individuals with a disability. The Board has taken this step for 2 main reasons:

  1. We understand that as a sport, shooting is one of the most inclusive sports available but in the past we have not done enough to engage with this part of the Scottish community. Offering a reduced membership is one part of a wider package and plan for getting more people with a disability into our fantastic sport.

  2. STS acknowledges that currently our offerings for the disabled community are reduced with certain events not being accessible and many competitions not providing finals that disabled athletes can compete in. It is therefore right that these restricted opportunities are reflected in the membership and event entry fees.

For 2020 we are pleased to confirm that our prices are fixed from 2019 and our individual membership still offers great value in terms of insurance cover as well as fantastic development opportunities, national squad representation and discounted entries for STS events. We are also continuing to offer reduced membership and event entry rates for juniors and full time students to better engage and support future generations.

For 2020 we have also made it even easier to set up repeating payments for your annual membership so you don’t need to remember to renew each year. When choosing your membership and paying by card, simply select the option that says Every 1 Year before proceeding to pay. If you don’t feel comfortable doing this, no problem, just proceed to payment.

At the end of 2019 we also started rolling out our Regional Forums to hear from the shooting community about what is (and isn’t!) working and what we could offer to help engage more shooters.

Find out more about our individual membership offering for 2020 using the link below:

In 2020 we are also continuing our Club membership offer, providing clubs with a basic membership package that provides representation as well as support with matters such as working with Police Scotland, club governance and child protection/welfare.

We are also still offering our Club Plus membership which provides everything provided by our Club membership, with the added benefit of affordable insurance to make sure your club has all the basics covered, including officer and director, employer, equipment and liability cover.

Introduced in 2018, STS is once again offering the Club Reward Scheme, supporting clubs that are able to sign up their members to STS. The system is a rewards based programme and the more members that sign up to STS, the more points the club gets and therefore the bigger the rewards. These can range from free Club membership, up to receiving money paid back to reinvest back into the club.

In 2020 we are also continuing the scheme introduced in 2019, supporting club signing up 90% or more of their active club members. If clubs are able to do this then STS is offering to sign all members up for £5 rather than £10 and the STS club membership card features the club logo so can double up as a club membership card, therefore saving time and money for the club but still delivering a quality membership card. Clubs that take advantage of this still benefit from the Club Reward Scheme so are also eligible for receiving the rewards on offer through the scheme. It’s almost too good to miss out on!

More information on all the club offerings can be found using the link below: