Scottish Gallery Rifle Championships 2019

As our Aberdeen venue was not available this year, the GR Championship was held over one weekend at Colmsliehill Range near Lauder hosted by the Joint Services Pistol Club.

On offer were three competitions :

Timed & Precision 1 – which is shot at 25, 15 and 10 metres

Multi-Target -  which is shot at 25, 20, 15 and 10 metres

The Ten Twenty – which is shot as five matches at 10, 15 and 25 metres

Most GR competitions are shot ‘standing unsupported’ but the 1022 involves kneeling ,sitting and standing  strong and weak hand.

As most competitors now possess four different firearms;  Small Bore Rifle, Centre Fire Rifle, Long Barrelled Pistol and Long Barrelled Revolver, it is possible to enter twelve different matches over the weekend. Some hardy shooters manage all twelve on the same day!

This year dates tended to clash with other club and national events so that numbers were lower than previous years. Despite this we had 174 entries all told.


                                        Rifle Champion                Jonny Cormie                117

                                             Runner Up                          Norman Veitch               108

                                              2nd Runner Up                 Robert J Tonner             104

                                              Pistol Champion             Glenn Gordon                107

                                              Runner Up                         Robert Tonner Snr.        97

                                              2nd Runner Up                 Dave Berry                       92

Event                                                                            Winner                                           Score

0701 Timed & Precision 1 GRSB                    Greg Rastall                                  299   24X                              

0702 Timed & Precision 1 GRCF                    Jonny Cormie                               300   25X                              

0721 Timed & Precision  1 LBP                        Norman Veitch                              300   13X                                

0722 Timed & Precision  1 LBR                       Robert Tonner Snr.                       297   10X                                

1101 Multi-Target GRSB                                     Norman Veitch                             117   16X                              

1102 Multi-Target GRCF                                    Jonny Cormie                                120 18X                                     

1121 Multi-Target LBP                                         Jonny Cormie 12X                        114 12X           

1122 Multi-Target LBR                                        Craig Somers                                 109    7X                               

1601 1020 GRSB                                                   Jonny Cormie                                1019   81X                                          

1602 1020 GRCF                                                  Jonny Cormie                                1019  82X                          

1621 1020 LBP                                                       Norman Veitch                              1015  75X                                   

1622 1020 LBR                                                      Glenn Gordon                                988  54X


Report and Photograph : Colin Oswald