UK Shooting Events: Latest News - Updated

Updated @ 04 August 2020

The safety and well being of the shooting community is paramount and as such, STS has cancelled a number of events. We have sent messages to members to bring this to their attention but this article summarises what has been cancelled.

We also want to use this article to summarise any other shooting events that have had to be postponed or cancelled to provide a summary of the latest for everyone in one place so if you know of any other events please let us know and we will add them to this list to keep everyone informed.



Below are a list of STS events and meetings that have been scheduled to take place but have now been cancelled:

  • 21st March - AIR - Open Forum for Clubs

  • 19th April - SBR - All Ranges Competition

  • 2nd May - SBR - 50m 3P Rifle Summer Series: GP1

  • 2nd May - PST - Colmsliehill Summer Series GP1

  • 3rd May - SBR - 50m Prone Rifle Summer Series: GP1

  • 23rd May - SBR - 50m 3P Rifle Summer Series: GP2

  • 24th May - SBR - 50m Prone Rifle Summer Series: GP2

  • 5th-7th June - FBR - Scottish Open

  • 6th June - PST - Colmsliehill Summer Series GP2

  • 13th June - SBR - 50m Prone Rifle Summer Series: GP3 (Caithness)

  • 20th June - SBR - 50m 3P Rifle Summer Series GP3

  • 20th-21st June - FBR - Scottish Long Range Open Championships

  • 28th June - FBR - Pentagonal and Finlux Inter Region Team Matches 2020

  • 4th July - PST - Colmsliehill Summer Series GP3

  • 11th-12th July - SBR - Scottish 50m Rifle Championships

  • 1st August - PST - Colmsliehill Summer Series GP4

  • 9th August - AIR - SARC event at New Kypeside Air Rifle Club

  • 29th August - SBR - 50m 3P Rifle Summer Series: GP4

  • 30th August - SBR - 50m Prone Rifle Summer Series: GP4

  • 5th September - PST - Colmsliehill Summer Series GP5

  • 5th September - SBR - 50m 3P Rifle Summer Series: GP5

  • 6th September - SBR - 50m Prone Rifle Summer Series: GP5

  • 4th October - AIR - SARC event at Tayside Airgun Club

  • All Summer - SBR - Summer Rifle Postal Competition

  • All Summer - PST - Summer Pistol Postal Competition


Below are a list of club and partner events that have been scheduled to take place but have now been cancelled:

  • 29th March - AIR - Iron Sights Competition

  • 4th-5th April - CLAY - British Shooting Shotgun Series Round 1

  • 23rd May - SBR - Forth and Clyde Double Dewar Meeting

  • June-July - FBR - All NRA meetings including Imperial and Phoenix

A statement released on 24th March by the NRA reads:

Competition and Training Cancellations
We have decided to cancel all NRA competitions and training courses up to 31st August; this includes the Imperial and Phoenix meetings. This decision has not been taken lightly; however the health and well-being of competitors, officials and staff must be our priority. We will keep the position under review in the hope we can offer a suite of “post corona” competitions in the autumn. Training courses will recommence when it is safe to do so. Payments made for courses, accommodation and Phoenix Arms Fair stands will be carried forward or refunded.

Suspension of Civilian Shooting – Bisley Rifle Ranges and NCSC

In response to the instructions from Government announced this evening we have suspended, with immediate effect, all civilian shooting on rifle and shotgun ranges operated by the National Shooting Centre at Bisley.

To support the armed and emergency forces, military and police firearms training on Bisley ranges will continue as planned.

NRA / NSC staff will continue to provide assistance by telephone, email and post during normal office hours, Monday to Friday.

This suspension will be subject to constant review; further updates will be posted to the NRA website and Facebook page.

  • 6th June - SBR - West of Scotland Double Dewar Meeting

  • 20th-21st June - SBR - Alloa and District Rifle Club Double Dewar Meeting

  • 18th July - SBR - Fife and Kinross SBRA Double Dewar Meeting

  • 8th-9th August - SBR - Alloa and District Rifle Club 60 Shots at 50 Meters Competition.

  • 8th-13th August - SBR & PST - NSRA Junior International

A statement released on 18th March by the NSRA reads:

I would like to confirm we have regrettably had to cancel the 2020 Junior International in line with Government advice and guidance. This decision reflects our determination to play our part in minimising the risk of infection from the spread of Coronavirus. In addition to domestic circumstances we have also taken into account the global situation and not least of all restrictions on International travel.

I would also like to clarify the position concerning all other NSRA Championships, Competitions and Events, namely no other cancellation or postponement decisions have been taken and if or when they are notification will be posted on our website and social media network. I hope this corrects any earlier misunderstanding or miscommunication there may have been. In these challenging and fast moving times it is essential we have one coherent message and to that end I thank you on behalf of the NSRA for your support.

Iain Root, CEO

  • 3rd-4th October - FBR - Scotland v London & MIddlesex RA competition.

  • 10th-11th October - FBR - European Long Range Championships at Bisley



Below are a list of STS events and meetings that have been amended:

  • 22nd March - SBR - AMG Meeting - now to be a conference call with ideas submitted via email to STS at

  • 25th April - STS - Annual General Meeting - the STS AGM will still go ahead as planned but this will now proceed via webinar and Proxy Voting.

Future STS Events

Our primary concern is for the welfare of all athletes, volunteer officials and anyone else involved with each event and for that reason, the safety/health implications of proceeding with each event will be reviewed 2 weeks prior to the event taking place in line with the guidance available at that time to decide if it is to proceed or not.

We have decided to take this action to minimise disruption as much as possible for when this passes but also to give entrants sufficient notice should events not be going ahead. The decision on whether to proceed will then be communicated to all entrants directly. Clearly, if the situation changes again prior to the event, we will keep entrants informed but we hope this will enable those needing to travel long distances, time to make arrangements if required. Where any event needs to be cancelled, full refunds will be provided regardless of when they are cancelled.

Want To Add An Event To This List - Let Us Know

If your club or any other shooting body you are involved in have cancelled, amended or postponed any events then please let us know and we would be happy to add them to this list to ensure this article can be a one-stop-list of events that have had to be cancelled.