COVID-19: First Minister's Statement on 9 March

The First Minister provided an update on 9 March 2021 to the Scottish Parliament on COVID-19 and related restrictions. STS has summarised the statement, setting out key changes to permitted outdoor sport and exercise that will come into effect from Friday 12 March 2021.

The First Minister also noted that she will set out a clearer timetable for exiting lockdown next week, including an updated level system due to come into effect later in April.

The key changes for outdoor sport and exercise in level 4 areas are:

  • Outdoor Gatherings – Adults 18 and Over

The maximum numbers for socialising outdoors will increase to 4 adults from 2 households. This applies to social and recreational purposes as well as for exercise.

  • Outdoor Gatherings – 12 to 17 Year Olds

The maximum numbers for socialising outdoors will be 4 individuals from 4 households. This applies to social and recreational purposes as well as for exercise.

  • Outdoor Sport & Group Exercise – 12 and Over

Up to 15 people can take part in outdoor non-contact sport and organised group exercise. (Note: Guidance already permits this for under 12s.)

  • Travel Restrictions

People should stay as close to home as possible, in line with current travel restrictions, however some flexibility will be given to under 18s to travel across local authority boundaries to take part in sport. Further clarity on this will be provided when it is available.

STS will continue to work with colleagues in sportscotland and Scottish Government on the specific details directly relating to target shooting and will communicate this to our members when more details are released.

STS will also continue to work with our friends in other Scottish governing bodies through the SGB CEO Forum to communicate the impact COVID-19 has had on Scottish sport and push for support to help our grassroots clubs recover. A joint statement on this was published by STS last week and can be found here.
