
STS COVID-19 Webinar Programme Update (21 September)

STS COVID-19 Webinar Programme Update (21 September)

Our next session is TOMORROW on the topic of Mental First Aid - Knowing the Basics. Mental health is something we all need to take care of because just like our physical health there are times when this is better and times when it is not in the shape we would like it to be. As part of the STS family, it is important we look out for each other. This online course will provide a very basic level of helping to understand mental health, what signs to look out for, and what action you can take, whether it is for yourself, friends and family, or a club member. Our last session, An Introduction to First Aid for Shooting Clubs, was not recorded but we do intend to follow this up with a day-long practical version held face-to-face completed with formal qualifications. This will be scheduled when the environment is safe for us to do so. We will be sure to contact our members when this becomes available.

COVID-19: First Minister's Statement on 10 September

Yesterday, the First Minister updated Scottish Parliament yesterday on the review of the route map through and out of the pandemic. She noted that while Scotland had successfully suppressed the virus in the summer, confirmed positive case numbers have recently risen. As a result, the criteria have not been met to progress to Phase 4 of the route map. Read on to see what the implications are for shooting…

STS COVID-19 Webinar Programme Update (7 September)

STS COVID-19 Webinar Programme Update (7 September)

Our next session is TOMORROW on the topic of An Introduction to First Aid for Shooting Clubs. Although shooting is an extremely safe sport, it is possible for accidents to happen, and when the do happen, they can have serious consequences. This, combined with the recent increase in First Aid awareness due to COVID-19, means there is an even greater need to make sure clubs feel they equipped to deal with these matters when they occur. This workshop is an introduction to first aid for shooting clubs, delivered by Bruce Jenner, a trained paramedic but with over 20 years of military and target shooting experience. It is also still possible to access the recording of our last session: Strength and Conditioning Training for Shooters so you can watch this back if you missed it.

STS Updates Phase 3 Guidance

STS Updates Phase 3 Guidance

Recently, the First Minister for Scotland provided an update regarding Phase 3 and the changes that were being made to the restrictions in place. The update confirmed that Scotland is progressing well but is not yet ready to move into Phase 4 and therefore Phase 3 is still in force, however some significant changes were introduced that would impact our sport. STS has been working with sportscotland and other sports to clarify and can highlight the following points from the latest announcement.

Scottish Governing Bodies Forum Statement

Scottish Governing Bodies Forum Statement

The Scottish Sports Governing Bodies Forum welcomes Monday’s communication from Stewart Harris, CEO, sportscotland announcing the release of a £1.5m COVID Support Fund to support Scotland’s sporting system (Sportscotland set up £1.5m COVID support fund for governing bodies). This timely statement recognises that whilst progress has been made with the re-opening of sports facilities across Scotland, this does not mean a full restart of sport as we know it and that many sports, particularly those reliant on accessing indoor sports facilities for Club training and competition, face a much slower return as local Trusts and leisure operators take a cautious and phased approach to the re-opening of their facilities.

STS COVID-19 Webinar Programme Update (31 August)

STS COVID-19 Webinar Programme Update (31 August)

Our next session is on Tuesday 8 September and will be An Introduction to First Aid for Shooting Clubs. Although shooting is an extremely safe sport, it is possible for accidents to happen, and when the do happen, they can have serious consequences. This, combined with the recent increase in First Aid awareness due to COVID-19, means there is an even greater need to make sure clubs feel they equipped to deal with these matters when they occur. This workshop is an introduction to first aid for shooting clubs, delivered by Bruce Jenner, a trained paramedic but with over 20 years of military and target shooting experience. It is also still possible to access the recording of our last session: Strength and Conditioning Training for Shooters so you can watch this back if you missed it.

STS Performance Programme for 2020-21: One Week Left to Apply

STS Performance Programme for 2020-21: One Week Left to Apply

This is a reminder that we are taking applications for the STS Performance Programme for 2020-21, but only for one more week as the window for applications closes on 31 August 2020! The full selection policy can be found on the ‘Getting Selected’ page on the STS website along with the online application form for hopeful athletes.

STS COVID-19 Webinar Programme Update (17 August)

STS COVID-19 Webinar Programme Update (17 August)

Our next session is on Tuesday 8 September and will be An Introduction to First Aid for Shooting Clubs. Although shooting is an extremely safe sport, it is possible for accidents to happen, and when the do happen, they can have serious consequences. This, combined with the recent increase in First Aid awareness due to COVID-19, means there is an even greater need to make sure clubs feel they equipped to deal with these matters when they occur. This workshop is an introduction to first aid for shooting clubs, delivered by Bruce Jenner, a trained paramedic but with over 20 years of military and target shooting experience. It is also still possible to access the recording of our last session: Strength and Conditioning Training for Shooters so you can watch this back if you missed it.

COVID-19: Aberdeen Lockdown

COVID-19: Aberdeen Lockdown

Following an increase in coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in Aberdeen, a number of local restrictions are being introduced in the Aberdeen City local authority area. These restrictions come into force at 5pm today (Wednesday 5 August).

UK Shooting Events: Latest News - Updated

UK Shooting Events: Latest News - Updated

As the UK Government extends the lock down, more events are being cancelled. STS can now confirm that the Full Bore Scottish Open has now been cancelled, as have further events in the Summer Rifle programme with both the Prone GP3 (held in Caithness) and 3P GP3. While this action is regrettable and not taken lightly, the health and safety of all those involved is paramount and trust the shooting community will understand.

Scottish Governing Bodies Write to the First Minster

Following a formal communication sent to the First Minister on the morning of 30th July 2020 from 32 individual Scottish Governing Bodies of Sport (SGB), the SGB CEO Forum welcomes the recognition by the First Minister of the requirement to move forward the re-opening of sports facilities. STS has also now updated its guidance for Phase 3 in view of the announcement on 30 July.

STS Performance Programme for 2020-21: Applications Now Open!

STS Performance Programme for 2020-21: Applications Now Open!

We are now taking applications for the STS Performance Programme for 2020-21! The full selection policy can be found on the ‘Getting Selected’ page on the STS website along with the online application form for hopeful athletes. The application window will close just before midnight on 31st August so those wishing to be considered have one month to apply.

COVID-19: First Minister's Statement on 30 July

On 30 July the First Minister for Scotland provided an update, 3 weeks after announcing the move into Phase 3. The update confirmed that Scotland is progressing well but is not yet ready to move into Phase 4. STS has been working to clarify highlight the key points from the latest announcement.

STS Updates COVID-19 Document with Phase 3 Guidance

STS Updates COVID-19 Document with Phase 3 Guidance

The Scottish Government confirmed on 9 July 2020 that Scotland will be entering into Phase 3 of the Scottish Government route map to recovery from 10 July. This is yet another clear, positive and welcome step forward in Scotland’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. From a target shooting perspective, Phase 3 still does not allow a return to indoor shooting for grassroots clubs and members and the cautious approach by the Scottish Government means the 2m distancing remains in force for adults but restrictions on travel are now lifted. As before, in response to this announcement, STS has been working with sportscotland and consulted with the Scottish Clay Target Association, Police Scotland and our insurance brokers at Bluefin Sport to provide this guidance. This document now supersedes and replaces the guidance issued after the announcement of Phase 2.

STS COVID-19 Webinar Programme Update (14 July)

STS COVID-19 Webinar Programme Update (14 July)

Our next session is TODAY and will be Strength and Conditioning Training for Shooters. This workshop will provide hints and tips of exercises and routines to help you both in and out of lockdown so your body is well conditioned to the rigours, stresses and strains of shooting to both help you prepare for competition but also help your longevity in the sport. The session will be delivered by an expert with numerous year’s experience in strength and conditioning but particularly working with shooters. It is also still possible to access the recording of our last session: Communications Workshop: How to Positively Promote Your Club so you can watch this back if you missed it.

STS COVID-19 Webinar Programme Update (6 July)

STS COVID-19 Webinar Programme Update (6 July)

This week we are back with our webinar series with the session Communications Workshop: How to Positively Promote Your Club to help club volunteers who may not have a lot of time and/or experience to explain what makes a good story and what is the best way to get it out there so we can support shooting clubs in improving their profile, as well as the profile of the sport as a whole. It is also still possible to access the recording of our last session: Getting the Best Out of Your Scatt - Deeper Drive so you can watch this back if you missed it.

STS COVID-19 Webinar Programme Update (29 June)

STS COVID-19 Webinar Programme Update (29 June)

This week we are taking a break from our webinar series but we will be back next week with our session Communications Workshop: How to Positively Promote Your Club to help club volunteers who may not have a lot of time and/or experience to explain what makes a good story and what is the best way to get it out there so we can support shooting clubs in improving their profile, as well as the profile of the sport as a whole. We have also made available a recording of the session delivered last week: Getting the Best Out of Your Scatt - Deeper Drive so you can watch this back if you missed it.

Police Scotland Re-Opens Survey on firearms and explosives licensing service for 2020-21

Police Scotland Re-Opens Survey on firearms and explosives licensing service for 2020-21

One of the recommendations HMICS made following their inspection of NFEL in 2018 was that: 'Police Scotland should routinely assess user satisfaction with its firearms licensing service and use the feedback provided to develop and improve its licensing arrangements'. As a result, a survey consisting of 12 questions was developed with the assistance of the Analysis and Performance Unit and made available to the public via the Police Scotland website in April 2019 for a 12 month period. This survey has now been reopened to understand the experience of people who use our firearms and explosives licensing service. This is an important exercise which will help Police Scotland identify areas for improvement so STS would encourage members to spend a few minutes to provide your feedback and also for clubs to spread the word.

STS Updates COVID-19 Document with Phase 2 Guidance

STS Updates COVID-19 Document with Phase 2 Guidance

The Scottish Government confirmed on 18 June 2020 that due to the positive action and response to date by the Scottish public, Scotland would be entering into Phase 2 of the Scottish Government route map to recovery. Moving to Phase 2 is a clear, positive and welcome step forward in Scotland’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. STS has now updated its guidance to include guidance for Phase 2 for clubs and their members. Other changes have also been made to the document to make it easier to update in the future as we hope to provide an easy to follow but comprehensive guide for the shooting community.

STS COVID-19 Webinar Programme Update (22 June)

STS COVID-19 Webinar Programme Update (22 June)

This weeks update about our lock down webinar series sees two sessions taking place this week. Disability Inclusion Training (DIT) for Clubs and Coaches has been developed between Scottish Disability Sport and Scottish Target Shooting aimed at clubs and coaches interested in becoming involved in sport for people with a disability. Getting the Best Out of Your Scatt - Deeper Drive follows on from the successful course on Scatt held at the end of May, this course will follow on from that to help show pistol and rifle how to get the best out of your Scatt, whether you are an athlete wanting to train more effectively or a coach wanting to know how best to use the Scatt at the club to get the most out of your athletes. We haven’t added any new sessions to the programme as we look to reflect over the next 2 weeks about the programme. However, we do still have sessions scheduled for early July so can still sign up for these.