The Frank Gifford Memorial Open Meeting 2024 - ENTRIES OPEN
Balerno and Currie Rifle Club | 2024 Frank Gifford Memorial Open Shoot | Saturday 16 to Sunday 17 November | Entries Open | Find all the information and entry form here….
Balerno and Currie Rifle Club | 2024 Frank Gifford Memorial Open Shoot | Saturday 16 to Sunday 17 November | Entries Open | Find all the information and entry form here….
Target Technique Inverness will be running ‘The Nessie’ from Friday 27 September to Sunday 29 September. ‘The Nessie’ is a series of 10m Air Rifle & Pistol Competitions with Overall Winners receiving £100.00 along with many more prizes to be won. It is a very friendly competition for pony club transitional shooters with mini matches and many prizes and an ideal weekend to bring a squad for 3 days of training with competition at ISSF level.
Mindset skills to up your game with Don MacNaughton, High-Performance Psychology Coach and Author
Target Technique will be running an NSRA RCO Course on 7th September at 9am. (They also have 1 space left on the RCO/ Target Sport Psychology combo on 14th September at 9am - see here). The course running time is flexible depending on numbers that book, taking approximately 4 hours.
The Haig Meeting is a weekend open shoot at 50 metres and 100 yards. It will feature the first stage and Final of the Earl Haig Scottish Open Championship. Several other squadded and unsquadded competitions will be run. New for this year there will a 50m unsquadded Benchrest competition and the Freuchie competition, traditionally held at the Scottish Meeting, will be run.
A full days course for Class C Scorer, Cert awarded by NSRA
Alloa and District Rifle Club | 2024 Summer Events | Save the dates
Event: Target Sprint is a heart racing, exhilarating sport for all, which combines running and target shooting, athleticism with skill and accuracy, where the first past the post wins. It’s simple, its fast and its fun!
Watsonian Rifle Club | Annual Open Shoot | Saturday 13 to Sunday 14 January 24
Balerno and Currie Rifle Club | Annual Open Shoot | Saturday 18 to Sunday 19 November 23
Two squadded Dewar Competitions, including the Haig qualifier in the afternoon.
Sunday:- Squadded Dewar followed by the Haig Final in the afternoon.
Additional unsquadded competitions including County Medal Holders Competition
Rules: NSRA Rules
Qualification to Haig Final subject to Scottish qualified under NSRA Rule 3.2
For more information and an entry form contact Jon Latimer via email at haigmeeting@btinternet.com
Range Officer - The first qualification step in your shooting career! No range can run without one - offering a safe & fair field of play. Share the load & help your club with this qualification.
Approx 4 hour course comprises of 2.5 presentation, multi choice questionnaire and RO practical.
Unlimited coffee/tea biscuits. Bring a lunch? Local corner shop close by.
Event Organiser: Maria Maoileoin
Organiser Email Address: info@target-technique.co.uk
Organiser Phone Number: 07920109109
April to September 2023 | Fullbore Partner Events
Alloa and District Rifle Club | Summer 2023 Outdoor Competitons | All Dates
Monthly training session beginning Sunday 16th April.
Target Technique are opening their doors to those looking for full days training, which will take place monthly in rifle and pistol. There's no better time than now to plan a training regime with NSRA/ISSF Qualified Coaches for next seasons comps. It's only 6 days of training away. Can you afford not to?
Even if unable to attend Aprils 16th, notify your interest for future/alternative dates. For further info & to book a place contact info@target-technique.co.uk 07920109109
.22 Scatt Training available in 3 positions. Learn how to do it in the comfort of indoors. Outdoor 50m range available too.
Rules: For those that are eager to improve and gain skill. Non members. .22 scatt training available
GP1 - Pre Event Training at Target Technique
The Nessie, Organised by Target-Technique
Alloa English Match 2022 | 23 and 24 July | Alloa and District Rifle Club
With the cancellation of the NSRA Scottish meeting the Scottish Open Championship (The Earl Haig) is to be held at Denwood again this year. This will be an expanded event over two days similar to a Scottish Meeting weekend. Saturday:- Two squadded Dewar Competitions, including the Haig qualifier in the afternoon. Sunday:- Squadded Dewar followed by the Haig Final in the afternoon Additional unsquadded competitions including The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Shoot (NSRA RLRRC 2022)
Rules: Scottish qualified shooters will automatically be entered in the Earl Haig Scottish Championship.
Organiser NSRA and the Denwood Range Association
Contact : Jon Latimer jrwlatimer@btinternet.com
Half day or full day training/coaching in preparation for the Championships. Use of Scatt/Noptel/Mantis/ Megalink targetry/Balance Pads/Balance Boards/
Possibility of mock final at end of day for min of 6 attendees
Rules: Discuss and book your requirements now - first come first served. Spaces are limited.
Half day £45/ 4 hours am(9-1) or pm(1-5)(Coaching shared amongst attendees)
Please be aware we have 9 steps to negotiate to range floor of the building.
Please contact : Maria Maoileoin, info@target-techique.co.uk; 07920109109
Come train at Target Technique , Inverness on Friday 1st October, prior to GP1. £10.00 per hour and use of noptel or scatt (4 available) . Open 9.00 to 17.00.
Rifle and pistol storage available in the armoury – limited space.
Book by email – info@target-technique.co.uk
Target Technique - Baptism of Fire
7 - 8 Aug 2021 | Earl Haig Championships | Denwood Outdoor Range
7 - 8 Aug 2021 | The ‘Randle’ GB Women’s Postal International | Denwood Outdoor Range
3 - 4 July 2021 | Alloa Outdoor Range | Smallbore Partner Event
3 - 4 July 2021 | Alloa Double Dewar 2021 | RESULTS
May to October 2021 | Fullbore Partner Events
8-9 August 2020 | Tulligarth Range | CANCELLED