EURC Crowned British Champions

Congratulations to Edinburgh University Rifle Club who were crowed British Champions at the BUCS Nationals over the weekend of 20 and 21 February at Staveley Shooting Ground, Derbyshire.   This competition brings together the best athletes from across the British Universities and Colleges. EURC had high hopes of achieving a podium finish as they have had a fantastic season so far and had a great performance in the BUCS qualifying leagues where the A Team had finished first in Division 1, comfortably beating nearest challengers Exeter and Newcastle.

The team comprised of Bryony Fraser-Burn, Christopher Gray, James Gutteridge, Richard Sobolewski, Rory McLeod and Nikki Sammels.

Winning EURC Team

Winning EURC Team

The BUCS Rifle competition was contested over four rounds with six shooters competing for each team

In the Ladies’ individual competition, Nikki Sammels took third place closely followed by Bryony Fraser-Burn in fourth, a mere one point behind. In the open individuals, Chris, Nikki, Bryony and Richard took 8th, 9th, 12th and 13th place respectively, a fantastic achievement for a club that had only a single representative in the individual finals last year.

Overall, it was both a massively successful and historic weekend for Edinburgh University Rifle Club. This is the first Scottish win of the BUCS Short Range Rifle team trophy since its inception and hopefully sets a precedent for EURC to go on to claim more silverware in the BUCS Long Range and BUCS Fullbore competitions later in the season.  Meanwhile, attention now turns to the SSS Indoor and Outdoor Championships taking place later this month.

Credit : James Gutteridge, The Student