Scottish Shooters Awarded sportscotland Personal Athlete Awards

Congratulations to the six Scottish Shooters who have been awarded sportscotland Personal Athlete Awards.   The Scottish Shooters are amongst thirty-two high performance athletes with the potential to make the podium at the Commonwealth Games on the Gold Coast or with winter Olympic ambitions for Pyeongchang and have been boosted with the news that they are amongst the latest recipients of individual sportscotland Athlete Personal Awards (SAPAs).  The Scottish Shooters, who have been awarded £6,000 each are Jennifer McIntosh, Seonaid McIntosh, Sian Bruce, Angus McLeod, Sarah Henderson and Ian Shaw (pictured below):

Sian Bruce

Sian Bruce

Sarah Henderson

Sarah Henderson

Jennifer McIntosh

Jennifer McIntosh

Angus McLeod

Angus McLeod

Seonaid McIntosh

Seonaid McIntosh

Ian Shaw

Ian Shaw

The initiative was introduced for London 2012, and Glasgow 2014 and proved extremely successful with 30 medallists at the Glasgow Commonwealth Games having received SAPAs and the wheelchair curlers delivering bronze at the Winter Paralympics in Sochi.

sportscotland has now invested almost £1.5 million and supported well over 100 high performance athletes through this initiative, which provides financial assistance targeted at athletes deemed to show medal-winning potential.