David Owen Wins British Pistol Championships

The British Pistol Championships were held in Bisley 16th to 18th September and congratulations go to Scottish Target Shooting High Performance athlete David Owen who won the 50m Free Pistol event having qualified for the finals in 5th place.

Building on his success David came in joint first in the Gallie 50m competition, following a 10 shot shootout came out on top. 

Nick Pye took 2nd place in the 10m Air pistol Aggregate competition

Other results from the competition were:

  • 50m Pistol competition 1 - 1st Alan Goodall 5th David Owen
  • 50m Pistol competition 2 - 1st David Owen 6th Alan Goodall
  • Aggregate 2nd David Owen 4th Alan Goodall
  • 10m Air Pistol competition 1 - 2nd Nick Pye
  • 20yd Air Pistol (Allies) 2nd David Owen 5th Nick Pye


David Owen being presented with the 50M Free Pistol Shield

David Owen being presented with the Gallie 50M Cup