SARC League Dates Announced for 2017

The Scottish Target Shooting Air AMG is pleased to announce the STS Sporting Air Rifle (SARC) League shoot dates for 2017. It would like to express its thanks to all the clubs who have agreed to participate and host their shoot on the dates noted. The 25th June is vacant and will hopefully be picked up on, but if not the league will be 5 shoots this year, best 3 from possible 5 to count. Rules will be as per UKSARC website with the following amendments (sanctioned by UKSARC with thanks to David Reith). Targets will be unpainted. Shooters scores will be % of the highest score on the day Scored separately for SARC classes and target class. Bipods must be removed to avoid folded bipods being used as support.

  • April 30th - Tayside
  • May 14th - Westfield
  • June 25th - Vacant
  • August 6th - Cloybank
  • August 20th - New Kypeside
  • September 24th - New Calidonian