Home Office Guidance on the European Firearms Pass Should the UK Leave the EU Without a Deal

The Home Office has published a ‘technical notice’ on European Firearms Passes (EFPs). The notice sets out what the position would be in the event of the UK leaving the EU without a deal.

The UK Government believes this is unlikely but has to prepare for all eventualities, including ‘no deal’, until the outcome of negotiations is known. The technical notice on EFPs is one of a series of notices which makes UK citizens aware of what they would need to do in a ‘no deal’ scenario, so they can make informed plans and preparations.

The notice sets out that ‘no deal’ would mean EFPs were no longer available to UK residents wishing to travel with their firearms to EU countries. It advises them to check the import requirements with the EU country they wish to visit before they travel, so they can comply with whatever licensing or other requirements are imposed by that country.

The notice explains that EFPs would no longer be recognised for EU visitors to the UK. Their sponsors would, as now, have to apply for a Visitor’s Permit but it would no longer be a legal requirement to also produce a valid EFP, so the application would mirror that for a visitor from a non-EU country.

This notice has been issued by the Home Office to advise UK citizens should a 'no deal' scenario be the outcome of Brexit. As further guidance is issued we will pass this on to STS members.