Vote for Seonaid McIntosh for the Sportswomen of the Year Award at SWIS 2018 Awards

STS is delighted to announce that Seonaid McIntosh has been nominated for the Sportswomen of the Year award at the annual Scottish Women in Sport Awards.

The Sportswomen of the Year award, supported by UWS, is presented to the outstanding athlete of 2018 who has succeeded in her particular sport, either as an individual or part of a team. This female must have achieved excellence in her sport in 2018 and will have shown passion, commitment, dedication, determination and resilience.

Voting is simple and easy with no registration required but the awards evening is this Friday, 9 November so don’t delay and vote now to celebrate Seonaid’s exceptional year and help raise the profile of shooting to demonstrate that this sport produces strong and successful male and female role models.