Scotland Teams Finish 2nd in BSSRA Schools National Match (Postal) 2019

England won this season's match comfortably, with an improved score over last year's and only two points off the all-time record. Scotland came second, dropping a little from their previous score to widen the gap at the top. The order has been maintained, with the Channel Islands coming in 3rd again with an improved score and Northern Ireland and Wales coming 4th and 5th. England showed the depth of their resources as their B team beat Scotland's score. It's good to see the new Wales organiser managing to put two full teams together for the first time in a couple of years.

There were three 'possibles' scored in this match: W. Campbell of Friends' School shooting for Northern Ireland (his first one ever, and he gets to keep the card), Miss I. Stark of George Watson's College for Scotland and L. O'Flynn of RGS Guildford for England. Both Stark and O'Flynn paired their 100 with a 99 and so they were joint top scorers in the match. Congratulations to all these promising shooters.

Report by W F Hamilton