Home Office Introduce New Fees from 1st October 2019

New fees are being introduced from 1st October 2019, despite objections from STS and its members when the consultation was held back in 2017.

These fees are being brought in by the Home Office under reserved firearms legislation, and will apply across Great Britain. Further information, including a full list of fees, can be found in the link below published directly by the Home Office:


The new fee regime will apply to all applications received from 1st October 2019 onwards.

The new fees are (with certain exceptions for museums) intended to recover the costs of the Home Office, Scottish Government and the police in administering applications. Fees are payable on grant. The applicable fee levels are set out in the Firearms (Fees) Regulations 2019.

The fees for museum firearm licences, club approval and section 5 authorisations are set out in the table found at the end of the document.

The Home Office or the Scottish Government will determine what category an application falls under, in accordance with the legislation, and will process the application accordingly.