2024-25 STS Speedway Final Report

2024-25 STS Speedway Final Report

The Final of this year’s Speedway Competition took place on Sunday 2nd March 2025. From an initial thirty-three entrants (30 in Class A/B, just 3 in Class C/D) which was the largest number for several years, sixteen competitors attended the finals following a very high standard of shooting in qualification. A major incentive to do well in the finals was that the top eight placed shooters automatically qualified to be in the Scotland team in the forthcoming postal match versus North Island New Zealand, in the 50th year of that Match!

 The “C/D” trophy was awarded to Gillian Piggot of Wimbledon Park, with a clear lead in the postal stage (pictures of Gillian receiving the trophy can be found below).

Apart from a temporary problem with one target, soon resolved, the day ran smoothly on the Meyton electronic targets at the Balerno and Currie range.

The final stage consists of twenty separate 20 shot matches, where each competitor shoots against three other finalists in each of five relays spread over ten details (did you follow that?).

After everyone had shot Match 2, Lenny Thomson took the lead by 2 points. He held the lead until the last round, Match 5, when Adam Dove drew level with him on 26 points. This tie was split using their aggregate scores: Adam 986, Lenny 990 ex 1000. Lenny was declared Scottish Short Range Matchplay Champion 2025, and winner of the Bill Dick Memorial Trophy, retaining it after his victory last year (a picture of Lenny with the trophy can be found below).

In the middle of the field there were several contenders for the valued 8th place, to qualify for the North Island New Zealand Match. The final place for the team went to Sheena Sharp, with 14 points after another tie was decided on aggregate scores (980 vs 978 from Joseph Docherty).

It meant that the qualifiers for the North Island New Zealand Match are:-

Lenny Thomson, Adam Dove, Sinclair Bruce, James Paterson, Roger Esson,

Hugh Simpson, Alan Gordon, and Sheena Sharp.

A full set of scores and results from the 2024-25 Speedway Final can be downloaded using the links below.

Thanks go to Balerno and Currie Rifle Club for the use of their facilities, to Chris Reilly (Meyton controller), Tom McGregor (Range Officer) and Janis Thomson (Catering). Mention should also be made of Sinclair Bruce’s lead in sorting out the initial target problem!

Finally, thanks to everyone who entered this year’s competition especially the finalists, who all contributed to a great day on the range.

Report by Robin Thomson, SBR AMG Speedway Organiser

STS would also like to express its thanks to Robin for his efforts in once again running the Speedway from start to finish - huge thanks from us all!
