
10m Grand Prix 2019-20 ends with GP5 at Glenrothes

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The 10m Grand Prix for 2019-20 came to a close last weekend with Grand Prix 5 for both Pistol and Rifle taking place in Glenrothes. 

The photo shows pistol competitors posing for the camera at the event. 

Everyone is now looking forward to the 50m competitions this summer.  More information on these coming soon!

STS Membership for 2020 Now Available!

STS Membership for 2020 Now Available!

STS is pleased to confirm that individual members and member clubs are able to sign up for membership for 2020 as of 2nd December. STS Membership for 2020 comes with the same packages and benefits that proved popular in 2019 but has now introduced a reduced membership for individuals with a disability. The club memberships that have proved popular last year are also unchanged, with the Club Reward Scheme and added benefits for clubs signing up 90% or more of their active shooting membership also returning in 2020.

Seonaid McIntosh Becomes First British Female Rifle Athlete to win World Cup Gold...Ever!

Seonaid McIntosh Becomes First British Female Rifle Athlete to win World Cup Gold...Ever!

On Saturday, Seonaid McIntosh claimed her second medal of the ISSF World Cup in Rio, following up her Silver in the 10m Air Rifle competition with an incredible Gold medal in the 50m Rifle 3 Positions event. A ground-breaking achievement for shooting in the UK, Seonaid’s Gold was the first ever World Cup Gold for a British female rifle shooter.

Home Office Launch Consultation on Proposed Statutory Guidance to the Police on their Firearms Licensing Functions

Home Office Launch Consultation on Proposed Statutory Guidance to the Police on their Firearms Licensing Functions

The introduction of statutory guidance is designed to improve consistency across the UK in police firearms licensing. The draft guidance sets out the checks that should be made, the weight to be given to the evidence and the factors that need to be taken into account. The consultation started on 23rd July and will remain open for eight weeks, finishing on 17 September 2019.

STS Confirms Rescheduled 2019 Target Shooting Coaching Conference

STS Confirms Rescheduled 2019 Target Shooting Coaching Conference

STS is pleased to confirm details for its rescheduled Target Shooting Coaching Conference, which will now take place on Saturday 5 October at Perth College. The conference open to coaches from across the UK, with STS members getting a 25% discounted delegate rate and STS junior members getting 50% off. The day will focus on the Olympic disciplines and features a mix of sport specific and generic workshops with the ambition of stimulating some exciting discussions and the sharing of ideas and good practice. BOOK NOW