STS would like to congratulate a number of Scottish athletes from the STS Performance Programme selected by British Shooting to represent Great Britain at forthcoming international events. Read on to find out who has been selected and for what upcoming international competitions…
STS Confirm Performance Coaching Appointments
STS continually strives to improve the coaching support delivered by the programme to athletes. As such, despite the success of the STS Performance Programme over the past four years, STS has been through a process of advertising and recruiting coaches for the Pistol, Rifle & Shotgun disciplines within the Performance Programme, with a view to continue developing world class athletes and performances. Read on to find out more.
New Zealand Match
Seonaid McIntosh Wins Silver Medal and Quota Place
Following her history making Gold in Egypt last month, Seonaid travelled to Tallinn, Estonia to compete at the European Shooting Confederation’s European Championships. Read the article to find out how she got on.
Seonaid McIntosh Becomes First British Shooter to Win Air Rifle World Cup Gold
2023 STS Medal Competition - Stage 1 Results
Death of Janet Bailey
British Shooting Awards 2022
STS Memberships for 2023 to go live next week!
2022-23 Pistol Winter Postal - Entries close Friday 4 November
Results from the North Island New Zealand Match
I am delighted to report that the annual short-range prone match against the North Island, New Zealand, has been restarted, and for the first time Scotland shot entirely on electronic targets. The junior team shot at St Andrews on Saturday 8th October, and the senior team at Denwood in Aberdeen on Sunday 9th October. Read on to find out how both teams got on…
STS Rifle Junior Development Squad Is Looking For New Members
Applications are invited for the Smallbore AMG Junior (Under 21) Development Squad. Applications will be accepted from Prone or Air Rifle shooters. Training will be 50% on Prone and 50% on Air Rifle. For Air Rifle, equipment will be supplied. The Application Form can be found in this article and should be returned by the 21 October.
Shooting Confirmed for Victoria 2026
On Wednesday 5th October the Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF) confirmed the additional sports to be added to the programme of Victora 2026 on the back of completing the Phase 2 process. STS welcomes the news that shooting has been added to the programme and is looking forward to sending a Scottish shooting team to compete for medals and the sport getting improved coverage
Scotland Teams Confirmed for New Zealand Match
Death of Queen Elizabeth II
All at Scottish Target Shooting are deeply saddened by the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, at the age of 96, as many of our members and partners will be too. Her Majesty was always a huge supporter of sport and the role it plays in society, keenly demonstrated by her unwavering support for the Commonwealth Games and her connection and patronage with shooting organisations such as the NRA and NSRA. Read on for the UK Government’s published guidance…
Shooting Proves Popular at SDS Wheels to Stadium Event
On Sunday 4 September Scottish Disability Sport (SDS) hosted their Wheels to Stadium multi-sport engagement event at Grangemouth Sports Stadium and Grangemouth Sports Complex. The event aimed to provide a range of opportunities for people who use a wheelchair for sport to try new and exciting sports and learn more about the pathways that are available. STS enlisted the support of one of its members, Alloa and District Rifle Club to come along and deliver the session in partnership with STS. Visit the STS website to read the full article.
Update to Shooting COVID Guidance
As a result of the Scottish Government lifting all covid rules and restrictions, Scottish Target Shooting COVID-19 Guidance has been withdrawn. Despite restrictions being lifted, covid (and other viruses) remains present in our communities so clubs are still encouraged to consult with members on putting in place/maintaining appropriate and proportional hygiene arrangements to ensure all members can continue their involvement in the sport. STS would like to express its thanks to our individual members and member clubs for their patience, support, and efforts to uphold public safety and a return to safe shooting.
Re-Starting the Prone Rifle North Island, New Zealand Match
Scotland's only “postal” indoor international match for prone rifle dates back to 1974, and is shot annually against a team from the North Island, New Zealand. This year, teams will be selected entirely from scores shot in indoor competitions. Anyone wishing to submit other indoor scores, please contact Donald McIntosh (or the STS Office at ASAP, as teams will be selected in the next week or so.