Saturday saw the last smallbore BUCS event of the season, and the Scottish Universities were well represented down at the Appleton range in Warrington. As has been the case for many years, the competition was superbly run by the host club and by the NSRA, with everyone enjoying the fantastic range, quick scoring, and excellent organisation. At the end of the day there was a huge amount of success for the Scottish clubs, something which really shows the strength of shooters north of the border and the value of the SSS competitions that the clubs shoot in year round, giving shooters that crucial competitive experience.
Isle of Man Easter Festival Report
The majority of the High Performance Rifle Squad made the trip to the Isle of Man for the annual Easter Festival taking place over 14 – 16 April 2017. Registered as a British Shooting selection event for both 10m and 50m Rifle, the Air Rifle events were conducted on electronic targets for the first time with the assistance of STS, with Gavin Walker driving a van-load of our Megalink units over and running the range for the two days of the Air Rifle and Air Pistol events.
All Ranges Open Meeting & Inter-Region Matches
STS AGM 2017 - Nominations for AMG Chairs
Scottish Target Shooting will be holding its Annual General Meeting on Saturday 3rd June 2017 at 1.30pm. The location and programme is currently being finalised and will be released shortly.
We are now seeking nominations from the membership - it is possible to self-nominate or for a nomination be made by someone else, as long as the nominee's permission has been obtained.
Scottish Multi-discipline Shooting Championships
West Atholl Rifle Club assisted by Blair Atholl Gun Club and Blair Atholl Small-bore Rifle Club will again be hosting the Scottish Multi-discipline Shooting Championships at the Jubilee Range, Blair Atholl on 14th May, 2017.
Competitors will be ranked in each event and the rankings added together to determine the overall winner and team winners. The event will not be squadded so competitors may choose when to shoot each event between 9.30 and 3.30. Depending on entries some events may close earlier.
The day will be an official “guest day” for both West Atholl Rifle Club and Blair Atholl Small-bore Rifle Clubs which will allow competitors without their own rifles to use club rifles under one to one supervision.