
2018 STS Membership Now Available!

2018 STS Membership Now Available!

Scottish Target Shooting is pleased to announce it has now opened up its membership system for new applications and renewals for 2018.

See what's new In 2018, including a great new reward scheme for clubs, legal support desk for STS Members and repeating Direct Debits.


St Andrews Day Sees Team Scotland Announcement on Shooting Team for Gold Coast 2018

St Andrews Day Sees Team Scotland Announcement on Shooting Team for Gold Coast 2018

St Andrew’s Day (30 November) was a fitting occasion to announce the 11 Scots, proud to be flying the flag for Team Scotland at the 2018 Commonwealth Games in Gold Coast. The shooting team contains a wealth of experience with Ian Shaw becoming the second Team Scotland athlete (along with Alex Marshall) to make his sixth Commonwealth Games appearance. Read On....

Scottish Athletes Compete at the CSF Championships

Scottish Athletes Compete at the CSF Championships

In preparation for the 2018 Commonwealth Games taking place at the redeveloped Belmont Shooting Centre in April next year, the Commonwealth Shooting Federation (CSF) Championships are being held at the same venue from 29th October to 7th November (in conjunction with the Oceania Shooting Federation Championships). STS has selected a team to represent Scotland at the CSF Championships and we will do our best to keep members updated with the scores and schedule through the information below on a daily basis. Where these have been published, we have put in bold events with Scottish athletes competing in them, along with the  athletes and their placing after the event has concluded but the full results are also available to download.

Joan Watt Presented with CGF Order of Merit

Joan Watt Presented with CGF Order of Merit

On 24th August 2017, during the Scotland leg of the Queens Baton Relay, the baton made a momentary pause to stop at Stirling Castle. During this brief pause, Joan Watt, a good friend of Scottish Target Shooting, Joan Watt, was awarded the CGF Merit Award by Louise Martin CBE, president of the Commonwealth Games Federation. The award was presented to Joan in recognition of her outstanding service to Sport and the Commonwealth Games, in particular over 45  years of service to the Commonwealth Games

HMICS Launches Online Questionnaire About Firearms Licensing in Scotland

HMICS Launches Online Questionnaire About Firearms Licensing in Scotland

An online questionnaire has been launched by HMICS to allow members of the public who have applied in the last two years to Police Scotland for a firearm, shotgun or air weapon certificate to comment on the licensing process. HMICS is undertaking an inspection of Police Scotland’s arrangements for the licensing of firearms, shotguns and air weapons. They will assess the efficiency and effectiveness of those licensing arrangements and welcome the views of those who have applied for a certificate or had an existing certificate renewed or varied in the last two years. They also welcome the views of those who have sponsored an application for a visitor’s permit. In 2015,

Report from the Prone and 3P Weekend 50m Grand Prixes

Report from the Prone and 3P Weekend 50m Grand Prixes

It was another great weekend at Denwood with a large turnout for both the 3P and Prone events.

The 3P started later than normal on Saturday as it was proceeded by the qualification for the 50m Pistol Championship. There were 12 men and 5 women competing. Ken Parr top scored in the men's qualification with 1161 and Gemma Kermode top scored in the women's qualification with 567.  This gave Gemma an IoM selection score.

10m Air Grand Prixes and Championships Details - Dates and Venues for Your Diary

10m Air Grand Prixes and Championships Details - Dates and Venues for Your Diary

Time is marching on and as the summer season draws to a close, we are finalising plans for the winter pistol and rifle events. To date, the Pistol and Gallery Rifle AMG and Smallbore AMG have been able to confirm the dates and venues for the Winter Grand Prix Series and 10m Air Championships for Rifle and Pistol. The details are as follows:

9 Scots Attend First ISSF D Course Held in the UK

9 Scots Attend First ISSF D Course Held in the UK

The 44th ISSF D Coaching Course was attended by 36 attendees in Henley (south of Carlisle!) over 3 days from 11-13 August 2017. It was the first such course to be held in the UK. The course was delivered by Paul Taylor for pistol and Donald McIntosh for rifle and covered a number of aspects of shooting including position,  training and training plans, physical training for shooting, and electronic training aids. There was a good balance of presentation and groups exercises.

First stop Glasgow, as Gold Coast 2018 Queen’s Baton Arrives in Scotland

First stop Glasgow, as Gold Coast 2018 Queen’s Baton Arrives in Scotland

The Gold Coast 2018 Queen’s Baton Relay (QBR) arrived in Scotland today, the 42nd stop on its global tour, ahead of next year’s Commonwealth Games in Australia. As hosts of the last Games in 2014, Glasgow was the first place to give the Baton a huge warm Scottish welcome, as it visited a range of youth and community projects with a strong focus on Games legacy.

Report from the Home Countries International & Champion of Champions Matches at Bisley

Report from the Home Countries International & Champion of Champions Matches at Bisley

A couple of hours before the match time of 4:05 on Friday 18th August the heavens opened and a violent thunderstorm swept across Century range at Bisley, deluging the final detail of the Roberts Match (GB v USA) with horizontal rain from the front. It looked bad for the Home Countries match following an hour later as the rain and wind continued.  Shortly before 4pm the range officer announced a delay of up to 15 minutes to see if the weather would improve. Hardly had the echo of his voice disappeared than the ran and clouds did the same in remarkably short order and the wind dropped to almost nothing. The timing couldn't have been better. Scotland had selected a team of seven X-class and three A-class shooters, all of whom had shot for Scotland before, so they knew what they were doing.

STS Announces Team for the Commonwealth Shooting Championships

STS Announces Team for the Commonwealth Shooting Championships

Scottish Target Shooting is pleased to announce the team that will be representing Scotland at the 2017 Commonwealth Shooting Federation Championships taking place in Brisbane at the Belmont Shooting Complex from 30 October to 7 November. Congratulations to the following athletes who have been selected and confirmed their attendance: