High Performance

Junior International Week - Rifle Team Report

Junior International Week - Rifle Team Report

Nine members of the Rifle Team travelled to Bisley for the Junior International Week. The team combined Tier 3 and Junior Squad athletes. Each member of the Team came home with at least one medal which was an amazing feat. They were awarded 10 Personal Best Certificates which showed how much they lifted their game. Read on to find out more…

STS Responses to Home Office & Scottish Government Consultations

STS Responses to Home Office & Scottish Government Consultations

There have been a couple of consultations over the last few months by the Home Office and Scottish Government that have been of relevance to the target shooting community. Both closed on 23 August 2023, with STS submitting responses to both. STS is pleased to share copies of these responses. Read on to see copies of these of responses…

10 Days Left to Apply for the 2023-24 STS Performance Programme

10 Days Left to Apply for the 2023-24 STS Performance Programme

You only have 10 days left to apply for the 2023-24 STS Performance Programme! Full details can be found on the ‘Getting Selected’ page on the STS website along with the online application form for hopeful athletes. Also check out our ‘Selection FAQs’ for information. The application window closes just before midnight on 31st August. Get your application in!

STS Performance Programme for 2023-24: Applications Now Open!

STS Performance Programme for 2023-24: Applications Now Open!

We are now taking applications for the STS Performance Programme for 2023-24! The full selection policy can be found on the ‘Getting Selected’ page on the STS website along with the online application form for hopeful athletes. Also check out our ‘Selection FAQs’ for information. The application window closes just before midnight on 31st August. Get your application in!

Scots Descend on British Shooting Shotgun Series Round 3

Approaching the mid point of the year, Scottish athletes Mike Drever, Isabel Mackintosh, Ewen Patience, Allan Richie, Ewen Ross and Keith White descended on the British Shooting Shotgun Series for Round 3, held at Nuthampstead over the weekend of the 23rd to 25th July 2023. Weather conditions were perfect, as the UK enjoyed what can only be described as a heat wave. Read on to find out how they got on…

Home Office Firearms Licensing Consultation

Home Office Firearms Licensing Consultation

The Home Office published on 29 June a consultation which will run for 8 weeks and covers a number of recommendations it has received on suggested changes to firearms licensing. The consultation seeks views on recommendations made to the UK Government and closes on Wednesday 23 August. Find out more and see the link for viewing the consultation…

Permitted Development Rights Review - Phase 3 Consultation

Permitted Development Rights Review - Phase 3 Consultation

A consultation was published by the Scottish Government on the 31st May that contains a section that covers Temporary Use of Land: Shooting Ranges. Section 6.2 and Question 30 of the consultation relate to the particular issue of 'Shooting Ranges'. Read on…

STS Confirm Performance Coaching Appointments

STS Confirm Performance Coaching Appointments

STS continually strives to improve the coaching support delivered by the programme to athletes. As such, despite the success of the STS Performance Programme over the past four years, STS has been through a process of advertising and recruiting coaches for the Pistol, Rifle & Shotgun disciplines within the Performance Programme, with a view to continue developing world class athletes and performances. Read on to find out more.

STS Memberships for 2023 to go live next week!

STS Memberships for 2023 to go live next week!

STS is nearly ready to launch our memberships for 2023 and we’re excited to release this at some point next week but before we do, we wanted to let everyone know about some of the changes that are coming…

Scottish Para Trap Athletes Report on the WSPS World Championships

Scottish Para Trap Athletes Report on the WSPS World Championships

As the long and arduous 2022 competition season drew to an end, shooters from around the world gathered one last time for the WSPS World Championships held at the Al Ain Equestrian, Shooting and Golf Club, Al Ain (UAE). Great Britain fielded a team including Scottish Para Trap Shooters, Mike Drever (PT3) and Keith White (PT1). Read how they go on…

Scottish Para Trap Shooters Reflect on WSPS European Championships

Scottish Para Trap Shooters Reflect on WSPS European Championships

2022 has seen a demanding competition calendar for two of STS’ Para Athletes, Mike Drever and Keith White, who recently represented Great Britain at the WSPS European Championships in their respective PT3 & PT1 categories. The competition took place at the end of September 2022, at the revered Trap Concaverde, Lonato Del Garda, Italy.